Jurnal tb mdr pdf merge

Asumsi penulis setelah menganalisis hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat bahwa penyuluhan tb pada kader memiliki pengaruh untuk meningkatkan. Relapses return after default kelompok berisiko mdr tb. Factors associated with the development of secondary multidrug. Apr 18, 2016 mdrtb threatens tb control programs in australias region and will not diminish without concerted efforts. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the u. Epidemiology of primary multidrugresistant tuberculosis. Decentralized management of mdr tb by nirupa misra, b. Tuberkulosis tb merupakan suatu penyakit kronik menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri mycrobacterium tuberculosis. Best practices and challenges in ending tb in correctional facilities s29 27. Good practices in the management of mdrtb are described.

Who recommends xpert mtbrif as diagnostic tools to identify mdr tb. In may 2016, who issued a conditional recommendation on the use of the shorter mdrtb regimen. Ikatan ahli kesehatan masyarakat indonesia iakmi the indonesian public health association is an independent professional organization for the benefit of public health, based on pancasila and based on the 1945 constitution. Spread of multidrugresistant tuberculosis tb is a threat to indias tb control program. The companion drugs with which to combine delamanid for optimal efficacy, safety, and tolerability remain uncertain. The estimates included in this report are based on combining. Treatment outcomes for multidrugresistant tuberculosis under.

Annadaa adalah publikasi ilmiah sebagai wadah informasi di bidang kesehatan masyarakat berupa hasil penelitian orisinal dalam bahasa indonesia atau inggris. Pdf new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of. This study identifies factors associated with the occurrence of mdr tb in patients who underwent firstline tb treatment in addis ababa city. Neutrophyl lymphocyte ratio nlr was presumed to be able to identify the probability of mdr tb. Risk factors for multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients. International journal of preventive medicine, iran. Availability of xpert mtbrif is still limited, another diagnostic tool is needed. Jurnal dr riko tb dan dm tuberculosis diabetes mellitus.

A nurse case management intervention to improve mdrtbhiv co. Proporsi kejadian mdr tb di dunia berkisar antara 032,3 % untuk pasien dengan tb baru dan 065 % proporsi kejadian mdr tb pada pasien tb yang pernah mengalami pengobatan tb sebelumnya. The main factor of affect the increase mdr tb is a treatment failure in mdr tb. Di indonesia, tb merupakan masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat. Appendix 1 pages 2124 contains the document that was used for group discussions at the global mdr tb stakeholders meeting in october 20, updated according to the recommendations arising from the meeting. Tb and mdrxdrtb in european union and european economic area countries. This set of tools is designed to help countries develop or strengthen a multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdrtb component within their national tb strategy. Tb cases who are close contacts of mdr tb cases groups with lower probability for mdr tb. On the good side, it would help prevent further bacterial outbreaks of tb and mdr tb.

Of these, the four drugs that form the core for firstline treatment regimens are isoniazid inh. Rr is tb resistant to rifampicin includes cases with unknown previous tb treatment history includes patients diagnosed before 2017 and patients who were not laboratoryconfirmed. Tujuan dari penelaahan kepustakaan ini mengetahui berbagai faktor risiko berhubungan dengan kejadian mdr tb. Djamil padang sejak 1 januari 2011 31 desember 2011.

We studied the epidemiology of drugresistant tuberculosis tb in vladimir region, russia, in 2012. The aim of this study is to evaluate the comparison of nlr in tuberculosis and mdr tb patients. Mdr tb is diagnosed when there is in vitro resistance of m. Sekitar % kasus baru tb disertai dengan hivposotif pada 20. Department of medical microbiology, immunology and parasitology, college of medicine and health. Article pdf available in the kuwait medical journal. Negaranegara dengan beban tinggi berdasarkan tb, tb hiv, dan menurut who tahun 20162020 sumber. Tuberculosis tb is an infectious disease caused by a germ called mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pdf treatment of multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdrtb cases is challenging because it relies on secondline drugs that are less potent and more. Xdr tb is the mdr tb strain which is also resistant to one of the fluoroquinoles and one of the injectable drugs such as kanamycin, capreomycin or amikacin 12.

Of these, the four drugs that form the core for firstline treatment regimens. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 29 kasus tb paru dari 748 orang pasien dm tipe 2 3,88%. The burden of multidrugresistant tuberculosis in children ncbi nih. We then combine pediatric mdrtb treatment data from the world. The country is among the highest tuberculosis tb burden countries in the world with 570,000 of new tb cases each year as well as one of the top 10 highest multidrugresistant mdrtb countries globally. Extensively drug resistant tb xdr tb is a form of mdrtb that is also resistant to any fluoroquinolone and any of the secondline antitb injectable agents i. Extensively drug resistant tb xdr tb is a rare type of multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdr tb that is resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, plus any fluoroquinolone and at least one of three injectable secondline drugs i. Mdrtb planning toolkit introduction and users guide 3 mdrtb planning toolkit introduction and users guide. Apr 28, 20 mdr tb tb that is resistant at least to isoniazid and rifampicin the two most powerful firstline anti tb drugs is called the multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdr tb. Included were 250 multidrug resistant tuberculosis mdrtb. Early diagnosis of drug resistance is essential for preventing transmission of mdr tb.

Rina nuraeni abstrak tuberkulosis t b atau tbc merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih. Highest death rates among mdr tb patients seen in african region 19% extensively drug resistant tb xdr tb mdr tb plus resistance to at least 1 fluoroquinolone and 1 secondline. Indonesia berada pada urutan ke delapan kasus mdr tb dari 27 negara dengan kasus mdr tb. Given the increasing prevalence of tb in the nonus born, it is particularly important for healthcare providers and tb program staff to be knowledgeable of the presentation and treatment principles of mdr tb. It develops because the when the course of antibiotics is interrupted and the levels of drug in the body are insufficient to kill 100% of bacteria. Resistance to fluoroquinolones and secondline injectable drugs. Moewardi tahun 2016 abstrak tuberculosis multi drug resistance atau tb mdr merupakan penyakit tuberkulosis yang disebabkan oleh resistansi bakteri mycobacterium tuberculosis terhadap minimal dua obat anti. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis mdrtb represents a threat to.

We cleaned, recoded, and merged data from the 5 cohorts and saved the. Treatment outcomes for multidrugresistant tuberculosis. Determinants of multidrugresistant tuberculosis in patients. Insidensi tuberkulosis paru pada pasien diabetes melitus.

Mdr tb has been shown to be almost twice as common in tb patient living with hiv as compared to tb patient without hiv 12 to resolve the. Resistansi rculosis terhadap oat adalah keadaan di mana bakteri tersebut sudah tidak dapat lagi dimusnakan dengan oat. Tuberculosis is a speciality journal focusing on basic experimental research on tuberculosis, notably on bacteriological, immunological and pathogenesis aspects of the disease. Dots combines political commitment, detection, drug supplies, and monitoring services to treat and prevent the disease may 04, 2016 several fact sheets on drugresistant tb, including symptoms, risks, treatment, and more. Sa presented at a training workshop held on the 18 september 2015 at coastlands, kzn. The current treatment for children with multidrugresistant mdrtb is. Dec 02, 2015 delamanid, linezolid, levofloxacin, and pyrazinamide for the treatment of patients with fluoroquinolonesensitive multidrugresistant tuberculosis treatment shortening of mdr tb using existing and new drugs, mdr end. Sakit tb selama kehamilan meningkatkan resiko penularan baik tb maupun hiv kepada bayi. Risk factors for multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients in. Sekitar 9% dari pasien mdr tb merupakan pasien dengan xdr tb katsuno dkk.

Primary resistance is the resistance that occurs in patients who have never received treatment oat or had ever received treatment oat is less than 1 month. Tb paru dapat menular melalui udara, waktu seseorang dengan tb aktif pada paru batuk, bersin atau bicara 1. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis mdr tb atau tbc mdr adalah tbc resistan obat terhadap minimal 2 dua obat anti tbc yang paling poten yaitu inh dan rifampisin secara bersama sama atau disertai resisten terhadap obat anti tbc lini pertama lainnya seperti etambutol, streptomisin dan pirazinamid. Faktor risiko kejadian tuberculosis fransiska jurnal. Mdrtbmultidrug resistant tb micminimum inhibitory concentration mirus mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units moest ministry of education. Kasus tb resisten obat terutama tb mdr yang mulai meningkat di indonesia menyebabkan resiko terjadinya tb resisten obat pada anak. An update sundari mase md, mph team lead for medical affairs division of tuberculosis elimination centers for disease control and prevention may 3, 2012 session objectives definitions epidemiology of mdrxdr tb building a treatment regimen managing contacts to mdr tb mdr tb treatment outcomes adjunctive. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2004, setiap tahun ada 539. Sep 26, 2011 if the united states was to develop some kind of system similar to dots, it would have many pros and cons. Mdr tb stakeholders meeting, in terms of the most appropriate application for each indicator, are summarized.

Nigeria mdrtb country profile nigeria has a population of 177 million. A qualitative study based on stakeholder perspectives conference paper pdf available november 2014 with 255 reads how we measure reads. The use of bedaquiline in mdr and xdr tb treatment regimens. Jika pasien tidak dapat mengeluarkan sputum dilakukan induksi sputum dan jika tetap. Sanjari turned to aisha and said, as you know, this kind of bacteria, xdr tb, has caused one to two cases of tb in. Compared with treatment for drugsusceptible tb, treatment for mdr tb is longer, more expensive, and less effective, and it causes more medication side effects.

Extensively drugresistant xdr tb, defined as mdr tb and resistance to the fluoroquinolones and one of the three injectable secondline agents amikacin, kanamycin or capreomycin, now poses an even graver threat. An understanding of the epidemiology of multidrug resistant tuberculosis mdr tb and the extensively drugresistant tuberculosis xdr tb is critical for effective control of the global burden of tuberculosis tb which is caused by the organisms belonging to the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. This issue was further discussed at the joint mdr tb wg core group. Mdrtb is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at least rifampicin and isoniazid. Pdf tb and mdrxdrtb in european union and european. T he philippines is 1 of 22 countries considered to have a high burden of tuberculosis tb 1, including multidrugresistant mdr tb resistant to isoniazid and rifampin 1. Sedangkan pengobatan xdr tb membutuhkan terapi hingga waktu 2 tahun sizemore dkk, 2012. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis mdr tb is resistant to at least two of the main firstline drugs used to treat tb. Treatment success rates of multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdr tb is a key issue that cannot be ignored. Keadaan tersebut pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan terjadinya epidemi tb yang sulit ditangani. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang jurnal tentang tb mdr yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini.

Finally, the model also considers the merging of two lesions when they. What is extensively drug resistant tuberculosis xdr tb. Epidemiology of multidrug resistant tuberculosis mdrtb. Operation manual for management of multidrugresistant tbmdr tb. The purpose of research was to determine mdrtb risk factors. These drugs are used to treat all persons with tb disease. The most downloaded articles from tuberculosis in the last 90 days.

Mdr tb 20% among previously treated tb cases 50% of all mdr cases are estimated to occur in india and china globally, outcome data for mdr tb is limited. Risk factors for multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients in amhara national regional state. Jun 01, 2008 globally, tuberculosis tb is one of the leading causes of death due to an infectious disease, second only to hivaids 1, 2. She is currently studying at the university of pretoria an msc degree in. Menurut penelitian masjedi et al 2008 dari 43 pasien yang menjalani pengobatan tb mdr 29 pasien 67,5% sukses dalam pengobatan, 19 pasien. Joining efforts to control two related global epidemics. Tb paru ini bersifat menahun dan secara khas ditandai oleh pembentukan granuloma dan menimbulkan nekrosis jaringan. Jun 22, 2014 treatment algorithm of drug resistant tb mdr tbmdr tb start rntcp mdr tb regimen start rntcp mdr tb regimen at the end of ip the result of most recent culture positive negative extend ip for 1 month at a time, for up to 3 months max, till at least a subsequent negative followup culture result is obtained. Resistance to ethambutol, pyrazinamide and ofloxacin has emerged and demonstrated in over 50% of mdr tb strains. Tb resistan oat pada dasarnya adalah suatu fenomena, sebagai akibat dari pengobatan buatan manusia. Terbit pertama kali tahun 2014 dengan frekuensi terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan juni dan. Ethiopia is 15th among the 27 mdr tb highburden countries.

Tb defined as mdr tb with additional resistance to at least a fluoroquinolone and one of the injectables, ie, kanamycin, amikacin or capreomycin has been reported in 77 countries across the globe by october 2011. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease. Mdg target dalam pengendalian kejadian tb pada tahun 2015 telah dicapai secara global. Treatment shortening of mdrtb using existing and new drugs. Multidrugresistant tb mdr tb is caused by an organism that is resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin, the two most potent tb drugs. Mdr tb and xdr tb treatment service delivery models in africa and latin america s30 28.

This happens when tb control programmes are poorly managed, for example when patients are not properly supported to complete. Conducting efficacy trials in children with multidrugresistant. Diagnosis tb resistensi ganda tergantung pada pengumpulan dan proses kultur spesimen yang adekuat dan harus dilakukan sebelum terapi diberikan. Currently, 10 drugs are approved by the food and drug administration fda for treatment of tb. Extensively drug resistant tb xdr tb is a rare type of mdr tb that is resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, plus any fluoroquinolone and at least one of three injectable secondline drugs i. Mdr tb and hiv mdr tb and xdr tb are associated with an extremely high mortality, especially in the hiv co infected person 14 according to the 4th who report 2008 on anti tuberculosis drug resistance. Mdr and xdr tuberculosis case study vernonibulldog2015.

The burden of mdrtb is low globally and in many countries percentage of new tb cases with mdrtb 16% tb and this has trend analysis now available for the first time. Tuberculosis tb disease is treated in most cases with a regimen of several drugs taken for 69 months. Regimen pengobatan mdrtb pada anak menggunakan oat lini kedua yang kurang efektif, lebih banyak efek samping, rasio. There is a paucity of evidence that assessed studies on the treatment of mdr tb, which focus on the effectiveness of the directly observed. Category ii failures and chronic tb cases chronic tb. Tb mdr dan 54,2% pasien tb mdr mengalami efek pendengaran menurun setelah menggunakan streptomisin dalam pengobatan reviono et al, 20. Development of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in bangladesh. Estimates suggest that approximately onethird of the worlds population is infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis, the microbe that causes tb, and.

Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person sneezes, coughs, or breathes. Are we doing enough to stem the tide of acquired mdrtb in. Jika pasien tidak dapat mengeluarkan sputum dilakukan induksi sputum dan jika tetap tidak bisa, dilakukan bronkoskopi. Ranges represent uncertainty intervals mdr is tb resistant to rifampicin and isoniazid. During 2006, an estimated 500 000 cases of mdr tb occurred globally according to the most recent who global surveillance. Tuberculosis tb is one of the worlds great killers, but australia has been relatively protected because of its strong public health system. Treatment success rates of multidrugresistant tuberculosis mdrtb is a key issue that cannot be ignored. Med science clinical pharmacology pharmacy manager. Multidrugresistant tuberculosis in australia and our region. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease is an official journal of the union. This can occur when antitb drugs are misused or mismanaged. First meeting of the core group of the global drugresistant tb initiative 12 may 2014. Jurnal dr riko tb dan dm free download as powerpoint presentation.

Tb pada kehamilan meningkatkan resiko bayi lahir premature atau bblr. The population were tb case patients who positive and control who negative resistance by test. Extensively drugresistant tuberculosis xdr tb what is extensively drugresistant tuberculosis xdr tb. Ronel odendaal has been working at the medical research council, tb epidemiology and intervention research unit since 2008. We will include studies that have at least 25 patients with mdr tb. Early warning system to improve patient access to tb medicines. The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress rebsp is a littleknown but potentially valuable right that can contribute to rightsbased approaches to addressing multidrugresistant tb mdr tb. Jurnal tuberkulosis indonesia diterbitkan oleh perkumpulan pemberantasan tuberkulosis indonesia ppti the indonesian association againts tuberculosis daftar isi. May 02, 2014 a nurse case management intervention to improve mdr tb hiv coinfection outcomes the safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators.

Multi drug resisten mdr tuberkulosis merupakan resistensi kuman tb terhadap obat anti tuberkulosis. Department of medical microbiology, immunology and parasitology, college of medicine and health sciences, bahir dar university, ethiopia 2. Angka kejadian tb pada tahun 2017 di seluruh dunia adalah sebesar 9,6 juta orang. A policy framework on decentralised and deinstitutionalised management for south africa was coordinated by dr. The first xdr tb cases in peru were detected in 1999 and today number 341. International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease the union. Pdf tackling tb and mdrtb on the thaimyanmar border. Mdrtb affects more than a halfmillion people worldwide and is characterized by significant. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang kumpulan jujurnal tb mdr 2018 yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. Pdf tb mdr primer dengan limfadenitis tb pada wanita sle. There is a paucity of evidence that assessed studies on the treatment of mdrtb, which focus on the effectiveness of the directly observed treatment, shortcourse dotsplus program. Global tuberculosis report, 2017 tb angola china dr congo ethiopia india indonesia kenya mozambique myanmar nigeria papua new guine south africa thailand zimbabwe mdr tb tb hiv azerbaijan belarus kazakhstan kyrgzstan peru republic of.

Kasus dm tipe 2 dengan tb paru terbanyak ditemukan pada. Jan 17, 2017 antituberculosis drug resistance is a major public health problem that threatens the progress made in tuberculosis care and control worldwide. Indonesia tuberculosis profile world health organization. Tatalaksana tuberkulosis resistensi ganda mdrtb pada anak. It would help to give underprivileged members of the community free healthcare and treatment options for tb and other dangerous diseases. This document was informed by the protocol for outpatient treatment of mdr tb, which was developed in january. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the.

Outcomes of bedaquiline treatment in patients with multidrug. Karakteristik sampel antara lain umur pasien memiliki nilai ratarata 42 tahun dengan standar deviasi,6, jenis kelamin 47,7% lakilaki dan 52,3% perempuan, jenis pasien terbanyak adalah pasien umum 64,7%, dan tipe tb. Tb 1,1 juta kematian diantara orang dengan hivnegatif dan 360. The incidence of primary mdr in central java in 2006 2. Mdr tb multidrug resistance where there is resistance to both inh and rifampacin xdr tb extreme or extensively drug resistant tb where there is resistance to inh and rifampacin as well as the quinalones in addition to one of the injectable tb agents kanamycin and amikacin and capreomycin but excluding streptomycin. We argue that better understanding of the rebsp may help to advance legal and civil society action for health rights. Pdf the link between tuberculosis tb and diabetes mellitus dm has occupied the. The management of mdrtb is more complex than susceptible tb due to the resistance to the first and second lines of anti tuberculosis drugs. Wondemagegn mulu1, daniel mekonnen1, mulat yimer1, aschalew admassu2, bayeh abera1 1. Monograph on tb and tobacco control, joining efforts to control two related global epidemics. China and india are each estimated to have 60 000 mdrtb cases. Kuman ini telah mengalami resistensi terhadap pengobatan dengan isoniazid inh dan rifampisin serta satu atau lebih obat anti tuberkulosis oat berdasarkan pemeriksaan laboratorium yang terstandar.

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